You are not alone because all the time there are numberless buddhas and bodhisattvas surrounding you, everywhere loving you, guiding you, that is what they do. - Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Lama Yeshe Photo
Lama Yeshe
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Photo
Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Q & A with Robina

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30 November, 2020

I’m exhausted from feeling that I’m not good enough!


Hello Robina, 

How are you going? I hope you’re well! What a crazy world it is at the moment with all the political changes going on.

I wanted to ask you about praying to Guru Rinpoche. A friend of my mine who is also in the Dharma suggested praying to him. I always pray to Green Tara – and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, of course. I ask because I’m trying to understand some of my friendships, and basically my place in the world, and need a bit of help. I would love some new people in my life; ones who I connect with. I hope the following makes sense!

I’ve know I’ve written to you before about my feelings of loneliness. I’ve got a few friends and I try hard at nurturing these friendships: being nice, being happy, being fun, being supportive. Sometimes, it’s exhausting. The truth is, I find relationships very confusing at times, and I often feel like I never do enough, and like I’m on the outside trying to get in and be accepted and loved. There are only a few people who I feel really close to, like my family, so I find myself basically running around searching for this approval/acceptance. 

These friendships can feel like rollercoasters – or my feelings or karma is like a rollercoaster. I can’t seem to keep my center when I have issues with people. I just try not to cause harm, and then beat myself up for saying or doing something that might have upset the apple cart.

I recently had a misunderstanding with a friend, who has had a lot of issues of late. His partner has called on me to help support him and I’ve been there trying to help. But the other night, I said something that my friend misunderstood and he got upset. I called him to put it right, apologize, but I’ve got the feeling he is still angry. He is a bit like me in that he is always nice in public but underneath there is a lot of anger. 

I feel bad about my behavior – or what I said – even though I didn’t mean it or it was misunderstood. It feels like, again, I’m on the outside of this friendship and it is my own fault.

Robina, this stuff drives me crazy! I get to a point where I don’t think I’m good at human relationships at all! They make me feel bad about myself: all the second guessing of what people are thinking or feeling. I’m exhausted from not feeling like I’m good enough!

How can I work on my mind to correct this behavior and to understand what’s going on? 

I’m sorry this email is so long, but wanted to set the scene. 

I hope you are doing well. 

Lots of love to you. 
B xxx


Dearest B,

Prayers are good, for sure. But in the end we need to do the work on our own mind. It’s our mind, our stories, our views, our attitudes, our opinions that cause us suffering and happiness. So we have to dig deep beneath the feelings to listen to the conceptual stories/views/attitudes/opinions that underpin the feelings, which are deep inside us, virtually at the level of assumption. That’s really what Buddhist psychology/practice is about.

It’s not an easy job, B, what that’s what we have to do. 

My saying these words is describing the solution, but it’s just words, isn’t it? You have to do the work.

That means, at the very least, questioning our own assumptions, your own very feelings – which are the simply the consequence of those assumptions – that you’re not worthy unless someone says you are. That’s the essence of it.

Feelings are deceptive. And the trouble is we believe what they tell us.

Do you ever question these assumptions you have about yourself? It’s doesn’t seem like you do. You keep believing them.

What do you think?



Thank you Robina, I understand. Yes, it’s very hard work.

I try to question this assumption that I’m not worthy but I find it very hard not to believe it, when friendships get difficult or someone reacts to something I’ve said or done. My mind goes straight to that place of “I’m no good.”

I try to challenge the assumption by telling myself that I’ve tried my best when said or did this or that, and that I’m only human, but my mind goes over and under it and before I know it, I’ve accepted the bad feeling as fact.

Yes, it’s very hard. As I say, I really feel it when friends turn away – I panic and chase them, trying to win their approval. It’s exhausting. It’s hard to let it go.

I will work on not believing these thoughts!
love, B xx


It really is a slow process, B. We’re like terrified little girls inside – it’s incredible, isn’t it? It’s very deep. We have to watch our mind like a hawk! Slowly slowly.

The bit of progress I have made has taken years and years. So be patient and kind to yourself. And use whatever nourishment for your heart that you can.

And it does help to include some practice every day, including ones using the buddhas. This purifies at a deeper level I think.

And maybe attend teachings? Do retreat occasionally? I don’t know – that’s up to you. 

One step at a time, really.



Thanks Robina, the teachings are so helpful so yes I definitely need to attend more of these.

I do practices each day and pray. I find talking to His Holiness also helps! 

Robina, is the key really just seeing it all as karma? My thoughts, feelings, assumptions? And friends being nice, turning away from me – all karma? I know it’s far more complex than this, but I’m trying to learn how to unpack it all in my mind and to challenge what I’m seeing and experiencing.

B x


There are two things: 1. karma and 2. the delusions: that’s the essence of why we suffer, according to the second noble truth.

Basically we come into this life fully programmed with our various tendencies, which are basically habits as a result of having done those things before. We also come programmed with the seeds that determine our relationships, whom we meet and how they see and treat us.

The deepest of the tendencies (besides the root delusion, ego-grasping, which is the primordial wrong assumption about the very nature of our own self) is called attachment – primordial enough! At the most spontaneous, energetic level this manifests as deep, deep dissatisfaction: I’m not enough, I don’t have enough, etc. etc. The next level of attachment is, naturally, given that we think we’re not enough, don’t have enough, to crave something. The most obvious level of this is craving for the things out there. This manifests according to our tendencies. Some people crave for food, others sex, others alcohol, etc., etc. – the objects of the senses are the grossest level of this. 

Then we have – and we all have it deep in our bones – attachment to being seen and heard and approved of by others. Basically the craving to be liked!

For you, clearly, it’s not mainly sex or drugs or money or handbags; it’s the other one. It’s the deepest one in all of us, but for some of us it’s also most prominent. Thus a prevailing sense of being separate, alone, outside, etc. etc.

The simple fact is that this assumption – that we’re not worthy – is literally, literally, literally not true. So we have to learn to not believe it and gradually build up the truth in our mind and to believe that.

As Lama Zopa Rinpoche says, it’s bad enough that things appear to us wrongly – in your case that you appear to yourself that you’re not worthy – but the worst thing we believe the misconception.

We’ve been practicing this all our life, since birth, B – and befor that! Every second, there is little B craving the good feedback from Mummy and Daddy. And every second that she’d get it – and she got it all the time! – she’d be relieved. Phew! I must be okay! So now they’re gone, you’re swimming about trying to find the feedback elsewhere. 

There’s nothing wrong with people giving us good feedback, but we need to use it as nourishment for our own heart, learn to believe that if they love me I must be worthwhile, and then learn to approve of ourselves. But if we just leave it there and then keep craving it, our hearts will never grow.

From the point of view of your past karma, you had virtuous karma with your parents: they adored you and looked after you. That’s due to your past virtue! Very fortunate. But then attachment gets into the act, it confuses everything.

If, let’s say, you can’t find someone for a close, loving relationship, like you had with your Daddy; if people leave you, etc., then that’s due to negative karma.

I’d suggest that what’s happening now is actually purification. Because you are practicing, B, you are seeing your mind more and more clearly these days, but you think you’re getting worse. But you’re not; you’re just seeing it more and more clearly! Which is our job! If we can’t recognize the problem, how can solve it?

So, not getting what attachment wants is terrifying, but it’s a marvellous opportunity for you to acknowledge and grow the extraordinary, kind, loving, intelligent, ethical B that’s in there already, and to grow her. That’s your job!

So, dearest one, slowly slowly. Be brave! 



Robina, this is so, so so helpful! Thank you! It so helps with my understanding. 

I know I have heard this explanation from you before but it is such a much needed reminder. It is scary and painful at times. 

I’m glad this is purification. It certainly feels like it because it is so painful at times. I do see my mind, my behavior and my craving more clearly – but I will focus my attention on believing in the goodness in me and grow that. 

Is there a particular practice that may be helpful for me to do at present? 

Thank you again Robina. I treasures these teachings.

B xx


Tell me what practices you’re doing at the moment. 


Robina, in the morning I am doing water bowl offerings and prostrations, as well as Lama Zopa’s mantra and prayer to Green Tara. And, as I said, I pray to His Holiness.

I’ve also started meditating again. I don’t have much time in the morning with work. I also try to remember to do food offerings.

At the weekends I have more time. Yesterday I also mediated and read some writings by Lama Yeshe, which I find really helps me.



Sounds good, B.

But how about a tiny practice at the end of the day? Sit for a few moments and recall a few positive things about yourself. I know it sounds beyond corny, but it’s profound. The negative thoughts and feelings arise naturally; we have to cultivate the positive ones. Try it! I’m serious.

And keep doing the Green Tara practice. The practices using the buddhas work at a very deep level. And keep His Holiness in your heart!

Then go to bed with a happy mind.



Thank you Robina, I will add this to my routine. 

I’ll try getting these positive thoughts moving. I know I have something to offer people – it’s just learning to feel it and to like myself. 

B xx