Living with anger is like having a burning coal in the heart. Just as a tiny spark can set off a grass fire that can destroy a city, a spark of anger can lead to creating harm that brings retaliation and then counter-retaliation. In this way it can destroy lives. - Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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Lama Yeshe
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Photo
Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Q & A with Robina

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26 January, 2022

Purification and abortion




Dear Venerable Robina,


It was absolutely wonderful to be in the Zoom sessions with you recently. Your wisdom and compassion have been with me throughout 2020 and helped me tremendously in these my early days on the path. So, it was great to speak with you in person.


I do not know where I would be without the amazing teachings on YouTube during the lockdown and associated isolation but in so doing I have emerged to some degree from ignorance.


My questions from the talks earlier this week although not exhaustive are as follows:


On the subject of the RELIANCE step in the purification practice

Compassion for others and from others – and its cultivation through my own suffering – is limited only by my own level of renunciation “which breaks our heart.” What did you mean “which breaks our heart?”


On the subject of ABORTION

I have had four pregnancies and allowed one to live. She is now 26.


Can you please expound – that the sentient being chose me for its rebirth but its destiny was not to live as I chose to kill it.


On hearing you discuss this I felt tinctures of relief which was immediately smothered with an overwhelming sense of horror. So, am I responsible for their potential (or certain) lower level rebirth? I mean, I did this out of vanity, ego, greed and it can’t be good! This is mind boggling me at the moment. But, it is time for me to come out of denial and bargaining.


Ven. Robina, I was so relieved you addressed this, and so candidly. Thank you.


I hope that is not too many questions. Even if you have time to answer just one I would be grateful and honoured.


Humbly your friend,



Happy to hear from you, dearest H!


Okay, in the purification process, the four opponent powers they call it — the four Rs is a good way to remember them — we go through this process of first REGRETTING the stuff we’ve said and done that sows seeds in our own mind that will ripen in the future as our suffering (the sugar-and-diabetes analogy). This is what I like to call compassion for ourselves. I mean, it’s true: the main reason we stop eating sugar is because we do not want future suffering. This is part of the process of what Buddhism refer to as renunciation: we need to renounce, give up, future suffering by giving up its present causes. This of course is all rooted in the fundamental view of the law of karma: that whatever we say, do and think just necessarily produces the person we become.


So, the more we think about how our own anger and jealousy and low self-esteem depression, and the dumb actions we do on the basis of these, cause us suffering, the more we will want to give it up. It will break out hearts to see our own suffering and how we’ve caused it.


Normally we just get guilty and neurotic. This other view is to be kind to ourselves, is self-respectful. 


Then there’s RELIANCE. This is the next step: whom can I turn to for the methods to fix myself? Here it’s the Buddha: he’s our doctor. 


But we also "rely on" suffering sentient beings. First we have compassion for ourselves — seeing our own suffering and how we cause it for sure breaks our hearts. Now we need to cultivate compassion, empathy for others: for those we’ve harmed and for those who’ve harmed us. We’re all in the same boat! Their suffering should now break our hearts.


As for abortion: it’s a dependent arising. You and those beings who came to your womb have a strong history from the past. For them, due to their past non-killing they won the lottery and got a human womb: yours: no accident. This is the main karma: the fully ripened result, a type of rebirth.


But their other karma, the third one, called experiences similar to the cause — which is all the things that happen to us; how we are treated by others — also ripened: due to their past killing (we all have countless karmic seeds on our mindstream), they got killed by you. They created the cause for this by having killed you in the past. 


Karma’s personal. There is no way anything could happen to any of us if we hadn’t created the cause by having done it before. And of course this goes for all the amazing good things that happen to us as well.


So, they are the main cause for why they got aborted.


From your side, you had the second kind of karma, the intention or action similar to the cause: the habit to do something, in this case, to abort the babies. You could have had the intention to kill, but if the baby didn’t have their own karma to get killed, it wouldn’t have worked.


So a major first step in dealing with abortion, then, is first this attitude of compassion for ourselves. We certainly do not want future karmic results of these actions so we regret them from the depths of our heart. Then in the second step we have compassion for the being who came to our womb.


The fourth of the four opponent powers, the most important in a sense: RESOLVE: the determination to change, in this case, not to kill again.


So REGRET purifies the kind of karma called experiences similar to the cause: being killed. RELIANCE purifies environmental karma; in the case of killing, the food and water, for example, being polluted; the very physical environment itself harming us. REMEDY, the mantra etc., purifies the fully ripened result: for killing, that’s the lower realms. And RESOLVE purifies the habit to keep killing.


There’s no karma that can’t be purified.


Love to you, H! Stay in touch, for sure.





Dearest Robina, 


Thank you so much for the time and care you have put in towards answering my questions. 


I have now set up all the files to my tablet and am ready to read. 


Much love to you and your teachers. You are all a part of my meditational prayers now and it is a profoundly unifying experience. 


I hope to chat again one day soon. 





Great, H. A perfect time for you — and clearly you’re making the most of it.


Yes, be in touch any time, for sure.


Much love,
